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Our Mission Statement:


Arena Theatre seeks to to create meaningful productions that engage our patrons and incorporates an inviting dining experience. We look to provide quality entertainment that educates, includes, and leaves a lasting impression within our community.


Vision Statement:


Our goal is to enhance the creativity and quality of performances, to experience growth in our audience base, to encourage and increase volunteerism in our community, and to meet the needs of our audience by staying in touch with their desires. Arena Theatre will pursue a mission that ignites excitement, enhances our and the community's image, and promotes participation by the community while remaining fiscally responsible.


Through the production of six high-quality shows per season and the operation of high-quality workshops, Arena Theatre will strive to become the epicenter of small-scale theatre in the Fort Wayne community and a valuable member of the Arts in Indiana. Arena Theatre seeks to provide directors, performers, designers, and writers with a safe environment to enhance their creative abilities and explore their talents through the creation of live theatre.


Arena Dinner Theatre is a nonprofit 501c3 community arts corporation devoted to live theatre production.

Arena Dinner Theatre is a proud member of the American Association of Community Theatres, the Indiana Community Theatre League, and the Regional Arts Council of Arts United.


Our Board of Directors:


Leslie Beauchamp, President

Scott Buckel, Vice President

Ben Wedler, Treasurer

Gloria Minnich, Secretary

Jordan Plohr, Historian

Reuben Albaugh, Sean Arata, Jill Bixler, Catherine Christoff, Tamara Cummins, Todd Frymier, Mahlon Houlihan, 

Rebecca Karcher, Brett Lackey, Fred McKissack, Suzan Moriarity, Elise Ramel, and Ben Schenkel


Ex Officio

Brad Beauchamp, Jim Matthews, Brian Wagner, and Larry Wardlaw

Arena Dinner Theatre

719 Rockhill Street

Fort Wayne, IN 46802


© Arena Dinner Theatre, 2024

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